Asociația Aeroporturilor din România va organiza, în perioada 1-2 februarie 2023, cursul de pregătire pe tema siguranță / securitate aeroportuară. Seminarul se va desfășura online, în limba engleză, între orele 10-16, și va fi susținut de dl. Klaus Konepfel, raportor EASA. Costul cursului este de 1.800 lei / participant.

Înscrierile se pot face până la data de 10.01.2023, folosind adresa de mail

Day l

Session l 10,00-12,00
The importance of RWY-safety – in general
Air ops risk review of 2022
The obligations of the aerodrome operator
The runway as part of the infrastructure

Session ll 12,10-14,00
Common Risk Factors in Runway Excursion Events
Management system
Handover of activities
Origination of NOTAM
Structural surface condition
Weather-related surface condition

Session lll 14,10-15,20
Operation-related surface condition
The way of thinking
The obligation to operate the aerodrome
The runway – a multifaceted system
Maintenance of pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage

Day ll

Sesion lV 10,00-11,30
Monitoring and inspection of movement area and related facilities
The runway as part of the movement area
Safety – a result of various influences
The “human” risk

Sesion V 11,40- 13,00
Wildlife management
Work in progress

Sesion VL 13,10-14,20
RWY incursion
RWY excursion

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